Press Release

June 27, 2024


Somos PAC Applauds President Biden, Condemns Donald Trump’s Dangerous Lies as He Doubled Down on His Extremist Right-Wing Agenda in First Presidential Debate

Washington, DC (June 27, 2024) — Somos PAC, which with its sister organizations Somos Votantes, runs the largest Latino civic and voter engagement programs in the country, released the following statement from President and Founder Melissa Morales on tonight’s CNN presidential debate:

“Too many working people, including hardworking Latinos, are struggling with the cost of living while big corporations keep prices and profits up at our expense. During tonight’s debate, Donald Trump repeatedly told lie after lie as he attempted to re-write history to hide from voters the reality of how during his presidency did nothing to uplift working people and instead was hyper focused on lining the pockets of big corporations. His answers reflected the devastation of his first term: chaos, cruelty, and corruption.

“President Biden has made clear his commitment to making life more affordable and providing working people with more opportunities to build a good life. From slashing prescription drug costs, forgiving millions of dollars in student loan debt, to recently announcing what is possibly the largest breakthrough on immigration since DACA, President Biden is putting working people first. The President also outlined what more we can accomplish together in the next four years to continue building an economy that works for people like us, including protecting our democracy and expanding economic opportunities.

“The first debate of the election cycle was just one of many actions that have been taken to make it clear to Latino voters everywhere which candidate is really looking out for people like us. While President Biden seized the opportunity to talk about the issues affecting working people and what he will do to address them, Donald Trump took to the stage to look out for himself, reminding viewers why he was not re-elected the first time. By continuing to push for mass deportations and promising to take away a woman’s access to healthcare, Trump only confirmed what hardworking Latino voters already know: he is not looking out for working people.

“We know this election will come down to the margins, which is why Somos is committed to engaging every Latino voter, especially those who are the hardest to reach. It is imperative now more than ever that Latinos understand the power of their vote, and how a vote for President Biden is a vote for a better economic future.”


About Somos PAC

Somos PAC is a Latino-led, Latino-focused organization that runs some of the largest independent Latino civic and voter engagement programs in the country. We envision a nation where hardworking Latinos have the opportunities and tools to fully participate in our democracy. Visit for more information, and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and X.